Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oops! One more funny. . .

This little Boston Schipperke is so full of herself! When i say she likes to play, i mean it!

All we needed was one picture, maybe two. And here's her response:

Nope, i don't wanna!

Let's look over here. . .

Hey, whatcha lookin' at?
Oh, me?!?

I'd rather go play. . .

Ok, if i must. . .

My evil eye. . . Are you scared yet?

Who, what. . . ?

Ok, make it fast. . . this is your good one. . .

And a profile. . .

Hmmm, what next. . . ?

Look, i'm in a show. . . Nice, huh?

Now, let's play!

Catch me if you can!!!

How 'bout now?

~sigh~ I give up, take my picture. . .

Bye, for now!

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