Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Road Trip! (sorta)

Yesterday we loaded all the babies and went to town.

This trip included several stops starting with the vet. We went for a general check-up, and he was impressed with how much they've grown and said they look great.

Our subsequent stops included the following: Sonic, library, Taco Bell, Wal-Mart, Sonic (don't ask) and home. All together we were gone for about 3.5 hrs. We had only one whiner, and I regret to tell you it was Dk Pink girl (who has become my personal girl favorite). She was front and center at the door of the crate to see everything (which has been her personality), but she did have a low constant whine. Matthew even commented how amazing it is that she can pant and whine at the same time! I think her thing is wanting to be with the people. BTW, when we got to the vet and they opened the door, the asst let them come out on their own, Dk Pink girl was first, followed by Blue boy and then Yellow girl. The others couldn't care less and had to be lifted out.

This was a very good experience to be away from mom and have a new experience AND a pleasant vet experience. Kristie was not happy when we were loading up and everyone was fussing, and she was very happy to get her babies back. When they got home they were very, VERY happy to see mommy and nurse like little babies. They're so big, but so little. I just can't imagine that people sell them at this age.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know about our outing.

Have a great day!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Hmmm. . .

Maybe I have the pics uploaded correctly now? Let me know if they aren't there ( .

Apparently I'm having unusual computer difficulty.

Even though Matthew had to help me, I'm sure it's not operator error. (whistling, looking around. . . )

Take care,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spa Treatment! (bath time)

Yesterday was a wide new world for the puppies - their first full bath!!! We started with a nice shallow tub of warm water, a little shampoo, and then a full rinse. I kept it short and sweet and everyone did well. There was no clamoring to get out or real distress. One of them would give a little whine, but that was all.

After bath we took them to my bathroom and put them in my shower stall (aka 'holding tank') to wait until it was their turn to be brushed and blown dry. Everyone did fantastic. The yellow girl snugged down, the pink girl stretched out and went to sleep. The camo boy was indifferent, the blue boy was curious and exploring, and the black boy wanted to play non-stop with the air, the fingers, the brush, the towel, etc. . . The point i want you take away is this. . . as a direct result of bio-sensor training and constant interaction, the bath, hair dryer, and pictures, all while being away from mom for the longest time ever, was TOTALLY non-stressful. You would have been so impressed. And by the time we do this weekly just think of how that will carry over to regular grooming as an adult. Your groomer will kiss you!

And yes, i said 'pictures'! Be sure to go to and look at how much they've grown. I couldn't believe it when i looked at comparisons. (There are 50 pics to a 'page' on shutterfly, so be sure to look at the next page so you don't miss any - the tab is in the upper right on the shutterfly page).

I'll go for now. Please be letting my know what you are looking for in a personality and i will help direct you. As far as i can tell, we've got one of each that is very outgoing, 1000% all the time. We've also got the laid back and watch the world go 'round type, then somewhere in between.

All in all, this was a very good first experience - i was so proud of them! Next week we go to the vet for a check-up without mom!

Take care,

PS Thank you for the sweet note - surgery went well (and i love surgery vacation - any vacation!)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quick Update on Wheatens

Hi, Everyone,

First off, I want to thank everyone for their patience. I can't believe it's been a week since i wrote!

The puppies are doing great. I snapped a few pictures tonight. They aren't very good, but you just had to see how cute!

I changed their 'housing' from the whelping box to a large wire dog crate. This way then can start venturing out of the sleeping area to eat and potty. (whew!) They are starting to eat/play with moistened puppy food - but mom really likes it, too, so i have to close her out for a little while so they have a chance.

I'm already seeing little personality traits emerging. The light pink girl likes to sit back and take everything in. The blue boy is always the one that has ventured out of the crate (this morning he got in mom's food dish and couldn't get out - his belly got 'high-centered' - too cute!) The black boy has enjoyed dinner from day one. And he learned that he can sleep sooo good on his back. If there's ever a puppy sleeping on it's back, it will be him.

AS far as deposits, this is what i have so far (and there may be others - i've got to check the PO Box). Brian did decide to go with a female, and he will have first pick of the girls. Kelly will have second pick of the girls. Sara has moved up to first pick of the males. ;-)

I've never posted pics, so here goes:

I'll have better ones soon. I just wanted to give you a little something to hang onto ;-D


PS I haven't checked my e-mail yet, in case you're wondering why i may not have answered a particular question. Tiffany, I did get yours. If there's anything I can help with, let me know.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wheatens - a generic update

Hi, Everyone!

I'm so excited to posting a 'regular' post on the new blog (my first blog ever!).

I have not taken pics this week - i hope to do that this evening (along with the other forty-eleven other things ;-)

You would not believe how much the babies are growing. They are weighing around 1lb, 11oz. Last week it was right at a pound!

I have received a deposit from Brian and Sara - each for a male. (Brian, let me know for sure if that is right). Since I had so many people contacting me and sending me deposits around the same time, I'm going by post mark. I know that a couple others have sent deposits. I haven't gone to the PO since Monday, but I promise I'll go this evening.

I've had a crazy, hectic week. For the past few months I've had severe intermittent nausea. Finally a nurse friend suggested an ultrasound which showed a large gallstone. I went to the surgeon (back across the state) for a consult yesterday and will be having surgery the week of the 13th. I'll keep everyone posted. (no pun intended ;-) )

I'll be trying to get some pics this evening.

Take Care,